Amit Kumar Singh



Developer | Innovator | Student

Computer Science Engineering student with a passion for technology and a hunger for knowledge. Proficient in Python and Flutter, showcasing projects on GitHub. Seeking opportunities to contribute in a dynamic organization, stay updated with the latest advancements, and drive growth in the tech industry.

  • College: Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering - Bangalore
  • Degree: Bachelor of Engineering
  • Branch: Computer Science and Engineering
  • Batch: 2022-2026


After stepping into the world of engineering, I've distilled my insights into bite-sized, innovative summaries.

Winner Count Hackathon

Top 3 Count Hackathon

Winner Count Competition

Top 3 Count Competition


I specialize in crafting intuitive digital experiences and implementing intelligent solutions across various platforms which goes as

Python 90%
Dart-Flutter 90%
Django 75%
IOT (PI,ESP) 85%
Figma 80%
HTML 90%
CSS 85%
Javascript 80%


After transitioning into engineering, providing a glimpse into my wealth of experience and expertise as...

Professional Experience

Scale With ROAS

Mar 2024 - Present

Web Developer Intern - Scale With ROAS, Tumkur, Karnataka, India · Remote

  • Working on web development projects and gaining hands-on experience in digital marketing and WordPress.

Social Winter of Code

Dec 2023 - Mar 2024

Mentor - Social Winter of Code, Bengaluru South, Karnataka, India · Remote

  • Served as a mentor for the Social Winter of Code event, guiding participants in programming and software development.


Nov 2023 - Mar 2024

Technical Lead - OSCode, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India · On-site

  • Lead a technical team at OSCode, overseeing projects and ensuring their successful execution.

Giftolexia Solutions Private Limited

Feb 2024

Intern - Giftolexia Solutions Private Limited, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India · Remote

  • Joined the technical team as a technical intern, gaining valuable experience in Python, JavaScript, and machine learning.

Indo-Korea Science and Technology Center

Aug 2023 - Dec 2023

Hacktech - Indo-Korea Science and Technology Center, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

  • Participated in a hackathon at the Indo-Korea Science and Technology Center, collaborating on innovative projects.


Oct 2023

Contributor - Hacktoberfest · Remote

  • Contributed to open-source projects during Hacktoberfest, enhancing programming skills and collaborating with the community.

Soft Computing Research Society-VIT

Jul 2023

Summer Intern - Soft Computing Research Society-VIT, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India · Remote

  • Interned at Soft Computing Research Society-VIT, gaining valuable insights into machine learning.


  • All
  • Hackathon
  • Coding
  • Non-Tech



BeyondBox aims to empower individuals with comprehensive soft skills training, enhancing employability and global opportunities. Through an innovative approach, we shape tomorrow's leaders, equipping them with adaptive skills crucial for success in the 21st-century dynamic landscape.

Live Demo


FitMetric serves as your ultimate health companion, offering personalized features such as a TDEE calculator, nutrition tracking, and an AI chatbot for tailored advice. Predict diseases, stay informed through events and blogs, and simplify medication management with our prescription image analysis. Start your journey to a healthier you with FitMetric.

Live Demo

Pro-Dim Bot

Pro-Dim Bot is a rover for IIOT 4.0, dynamically changing its size based on object detection using ultrasonic sensors and pi 5 live image detection. It operates on dual principles: horizontally, with two wheels moving in opposite directions, and vertically, utilizing a linear actuator.

Live Demo


NeuroNinga, a Flutter-based application, enhances early-stage students' IQ and problem-solving skills. It offers mind games and logical reasoning questions outside the academic curriculum, focusing on improving focus, accuracy, and critical thinking.


For HackTech, I developed a speed estimation model using the YOLOv8 model. The project involved submitting results for individual vehicle speeds from a test set comprising about 10 CCTV videos. Performance evaluation was based on the detection rate of control vehicles and the root mean square error (RMSE) of predicted control vehicle speeds.

View Result


Scalewithroas is a digital marketing website created for an internship task. Targeting users in the US and Indian markets, the website serves as a platform for Scalewithroas. Users are directed to this site from advertisements, showcasing Scalewithroas's services and offerings effectively.

Live Demo

Get in Touch

Magnam dolores commodi suscipit. Necessitatibus eius consequatur ex aliquid fuga eum quidem. Sit sint consectetur velit. Quisquam quos quisquam cupiditate. Et nemo qui impedit suscipit alias ea. Quia fugiat sit in iste officiis commodi quidem hic quas.


Bangalore - India


+91 7827191427

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